- LFU Executive Board Election Results
Longy Faculty Union
LFU meeting minutes
- Since June 2014
Before June 2014
- LFU Meeting Minutes 2010-04-02 to 2014-05-14
- LFU Meeting Minutes 2013 >
LFU Meeting Minutes 2011
- LFU Special Meeting Minutes 2011/03/04
- LFU Executive Board Meeting Minutes 2011/03/04
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 03/02/11
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 02/18/11
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 01/31/11
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 01/21/11
- LFU Special Meeting minutes 01/11/11
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 01/11/11
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 01/05/11
LFU Meeting Minutes 2010 Q4
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 11/30/10
- LFU Special Meeting minutes 11/16/10
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 11/16/10
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 11/08/10
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 10/19/10
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 09/27/10
- LFU Membership Meeting minutes 09/14/10
- LFU Executive Board Meeting minutes 09/14/10
- LFU Meeting Minutes 2010 Q3 >
- LFU Meeting Minutes 2010 Q2 >
- LFU Constitution and By-Laws >
- LFU post-election >
LFU pre-election
- It's time to make time to vote!
- Your Colleagues Speak!
- Your Colleagues Sign!
- Voter eligibility list
- Letter from President Mike Scott, Berklee Faculty Union
- Letter from Bargaining Committee Member, Adam Scott, Manhattan School of Music
- Letter from Boston Musicians' Association Board
- Discussion gatherings 2010
- Discussion gatherings 2009
- Election pamphlet
- Election announcement
- Your Labor Union Rights Under the Law
- Why we support a faculty union at the Longy School of Music
LFU meeting minutes
Committee Election Results
- Committee Elections 2024
- Committee Elections 2023
- Committee Elections 2022
- Committee Elections 2021
- Committee Elections 2020
- Committee Elections 2019
- Committee Elections 2018
- Committee Elections 2017
- Committee Elections 2016
- Committee Elections 2015
- Committee Elections September 2014
- Call for Nominations April 2014
- Committee Elections December 2013
- Committee Elections May 2011
- Robert Honeysucker Scholarship
- 2020 Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement
- NLRB Certification of Representative 2/1/2010
- Longy Summer Programs 2016
- NLRB Decision and Direction of Election 12/10/2009
- 2015 Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement
- Ratification Results, 2015 Successor CBA
- 2015 Successor CBA---Schedule of Meetings and Vote
- Response to Boston Globe Article, October 20, 2015
- NLRB Issues Complaint against Longy 2015-05-29
- LFU News Current Issue
- Response to School Email to Faculty on January 30, 2015
- Longy Summer Institutes Hang in the Blance
Negotiation Proposals
Successor Contract Proposals
- LFU Proposals
- Longy Proposals
- Contract Proposal Comparison
- CP closing LFU proposal 2013.07.01 >
Community Programs closing negotiations
- CP closing LFU proposals >
CP closing Longy proposals
- LFU CP closing Longy proposal 2013.08.09
- CP closing Longy proposal 2013.07.12 40 and over
- CP closing Longy proposal 2013.07.12 under 40
- CP closing Longy proposal 2013.07.08-2
- CP closing Longy proposal 2013.07.08-1
- CP closing Longy proposal 2013.06.13
- CP closing Longy proposal 2013.06.12
- CP closing Longy proposal 2013.06.04
- CP closing Longy proposal 2013.05.17
- CP closing Longy proposal 2013.05.07 v.2
- CP closing Longy proposal 2013.05.07 v.1
- 2012 Reappointment Proposals >
- 2011-2014 Contract Proposals >
Successor Contract Proposals
- Long-Standing Past Practice Regarding Studio Classes
- LFU News
LFU Financials
- Initial Collective Bargaining Agreement
National Labor Relations Board Filings and Decisions
- NLRB Issues Complaint against Longy 2015-05-29
- NLRB Administrative Law Judge Decision 2015-01-07
- NLRB Files Brief to Judge in Case Against Longy 2014-12-23
- NLRB Issues Amendment to Complaint Against Longy 2014-10-27
- NLRB Issues Complaint against Longy 2014-08-28
- Settlement Notice 2013-11-20
- Settlement Agreement 2013-09-25
- NLRB Issues Consolidated Complaint 2013-06-28
- Motion for Withdrawal of Charges 3/11/2011
- Judge Saris Memorandum and Order 1/4/2011
- NLRB filing to Judge Saris 12/9/2010
- NLRB Files Amended Consolidated Complaint 12/6/2010
- NLRB Files Petition for Injunction 11/16/10 >
- NLRB issues Complaint 10/15/10
- Certification of Representative 2/1/2010
- Decision and Direction of Election 12/9/2009
- LFU on Facebook
- LFU on Twitter
LFU in the Press
- Advocate Feb 2011
- Cambridge Chronicle 1/11/2011
- Boston Globe 1/8/2011
- Boston Musical Intelligencer 1/7/2011
- Boston Musical Intelligencer 1/2/2011
- AFT Faculty and College Excellence 12/8/2010
- Boston Musical Inelligencer 12/4/2010
- Boston Globe 11/30/2010
- Cambridge Chronicle 11/30/2010
- Cambridge Chronicle 10/26/10
- Boston Globe 8/13/2010
- Boston Globe Exhibitionist blog 8/12/2010
- Cambridge Chronicle 05/20/10
- International Musician May 2010
- Boston Globe 04/01/10
- LFU to Karen Zorn et al 2/18/2014
- Victor Rosenbaum Op-Ed 2013-04-11
- LFU to Karen Zorn 12/5/12
- LFU to Musicians of Minnesota Orchestra 11/8/12
- Karen Zorn to Board of Visitors 08/26/10
- LFU to Board of Trustees 08/11/10
- Students to Longy President and Trustees 7/1/2010
- AFT MA President Tom Gosnell to Karen Zorn 3/23/2010
- Faculty realignment 3/19/2010
- How can I help?
- General Information
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Hearing scheduled for Cambridge's Longy School of Music labor dispute
By Brian P. Nanos
Wicked Local Cambridge
Posted Oct 25, 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Cambridge —
The National Labor Relations Board has found it has reasonable cause to hold a hearing on whether Cambridge-based Longy School of Music failed to negotiate with its employees union before it terminated staffers and changed the job descriptions of others.